GPS Tracker Security

GPS trackers provide valuable data for business efficiency and protect vehicles from theft. At the same time, trackers can be stolen for sale, sabotaged by being reconfigured with faulty parameters or hacked to steal sensitive data. In order to prevent unauthorized access to the trackers, additional security measures are required for logging in via all possible devices. If a login fails, the user is denied access and the trackers remain secure.

Vehicle trackers store sensitive data for business and thanks to various features help to arrange optimal routes to avoid delays, reduce fuel consumption, get timely maintenance, and secure cargo with a vehicle. When losing a tracker or control of it, business forfeits the possibility to monitor a vehicle and that can lead to serious consequences.

Stealing a tracker or overtaking its control can cause major issues for big businesses and small companies alike. You can do a lot to improve the security of your trackers, though. While there are no absolute guarantees, you should make it as hard as possible for the thieves to overtake the trackers that you have invested time to install and configured for efficient data collection and monitoring. Otherwise, losing a tracker will also mean losing your income.

Our tracking solutions offer much more than just simple tracking. A wide range of functionalities is available and – what is most important – we provide secure connectivity for all our devices.

Setting up a password, pin, or keyword before using the tracker is a must. Installing a tracker out of the box without reconfiguring it for security purposes is one of the most common mistakes that integrators make. However, it is easy to correct this by creating strong passwords (at least 8 characters: a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and a minimum of one special character). Failing to make these changes makes it simple for the thieves to gain access to the trackers since they might know or find out the original settings.

With Teltonika options for secure connections, it becomes hard to steal or sabotage the trackers. All Teltonika tracking devices support the safety measures listed below, including FMB130, which is a perfect choice for miscellaneous use scenarios.

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